
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chanel Youx Waterproof Eyeliner #10 - Review

I have what the Dr's call Dry Eyes which means my eyes water allot (if you understand the logic here then you my friend need a bells) it sometimes burns so bad from all the tears that I have to stop what I'm doing and wash my face because it looks like I'm having a melt down. The problem here is that my eyeliner never lasts more than about 20 minutes at a time. So I used to have two looks trashy 2am just came from a club look or this chick needs to get her shit under control, neither of which are very hot! This then lead me on a hunt to find a product that actually did what it said it would!

About two years ago I discovered the Chanel counter in the V&A Water Front (cue singing angels) I swear I was like a kid in a candy store. If my bank balance was any larger I'd have walked out with the entire store! Since I discovered their eye pencil I haven't purchased another! (Yes it's that good!!)

I use the Chanel Youx Waterproof Eyeliner in nr. 10 "Ebene", a basic black. This pencil is extremely easy to use, and if you are like me that drops almost everything you will love the retractable tip (means no more breaking tips and wasting pencil), it also has a fancy integrated little sharpener. The pencil itself is very thin, which makes it easy to apply at the root of the lashes and water line. It's soft so only takes a few strokes to get a really nice dark line for that added drama! This pencil really does do what it promises it stays put almost the entire day. It is a bit more difficult to get off though but that I can live with! 

Like all Chanel products the packaging is very chic. It has a glossy black box with white writing and a gold border at the bottom. The product itself has the signature Chanel gloss black with the white writing. It can be purchased at the Chanel counter for R285

In Love & Lipgloss 

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