
Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Favorite

I received my first bottle of Essie nail polish for my birthday this month and I have fallen in love with Essie. It has fast become one of my favorite nail polishes. The bottle I received is 768 cocktail bling and is a soft light grey. The staying power of Essie is amazing, I have two very thin coats on here and you really don't need more than that to get the perfect colour. I wore it for 2 to 3 days before I experienced my first chip (only because I was hacking at something with my finger nails :-) ) I cant wait to stock up on Essie now hahahaha

In Love & Lipgloss 


  1. I have Cocktail Bling in my collection and adore the colour :)

    1. I love this grey more than I thought i wud! I'm after power clutch next!


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