
Thursday, October 10, 2013

GHD South Africa

I am a HUGE fan of GHD, when it comes to their products I can honestly find no fault. Sometimes I'm a sucker for anything GHD. I've purchased everything from a Summer travel case set, GHD styler, GHD air dryer, to their paddle brush, heat defense spray, seas spray (which I've never used) and even their little clips to tuck your hair up when your styling it (I even have a GHD pencil do not ask why hahahaha!)

Now when it comes to their customer care? That's another story! If you follow me on twitter or Instagram then chances are you would have seen that I started experiencing problems with my GHDair dryer a few weeks ago. I had it 9 months and I use it everyday and I started experiencing this really strong burnt smell coming out of it. I got into contact with their customer care and it literally took about 4 days before I got some kind of response. I received the hair dryer as a Christmas gift from my husband and even thought it's my husband I stressed that fact, that it was a gift, but they would do nothing unless I could supply them with a receipt and all the serial numbers and date of purchase and so forth. Now I received a purchase receipt with it but it didn't have any dates or anything on it, so I had to contact the salon were it was purchased and get all the information or I would have to pay for the repair. First off what do they actually do if I had to do all this? The lady I dealt with was so blunt and rude and the more I asked what the problem with the unit was and what they were going to do she kept telling me with out my date of purchase she can't help me and they can't go forward. 

Anyway about 2 days after finally tracking down the purchase date (cause we all know how well guys remember dates) I received my unit back. They replaced the unit with a brand new one because they found there was a factory fault with it,  I honestly have no problem with that I am actually really happy because I was dreading having a unit that had been repaired. The thing that I found odd and I have honestly never heard was the little note inside the box! 

They say that the new unit does not come with its own 12 month guarantee and instead it continues from the original date of purchase? Which means my brand new unit only comes with a 3 month guarantee. Is this normal? I have returned two hair dryers in the past, both a few months after I purchased it because of different reason and both new ones that I got in return came with its own 12 month guarantee which started from the day I got the NEW unit. This just doesn't seem right to me!

This is by no means a post to bash GHD because I am still a huge fan, but when it comes to their customer care and their guarantee I am truly left speechless!

In Love & Lipgloss 

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