
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Table Mountain - 7 Wonders of the World Cape Town

I think we all focus so much on all the bad things that happen that sometimes we forgot what an amazingly beautiful country we are fortunate enough to live in. Maybe it's because I see it EVERYDAY, when I walk out my door or when I'm driving to work or in fact when I just open my curtains, Table Mountain is just there! 

We don't realize how lucky we are to have one of the 7 Wonders of the world right in our back yard! So this past weekend we decided to be tourists and went up Table mountain. It was the perfect day no wind no clouds no rain. We had perfect clear sky's and it was actually quite hot up there but to see Cape Town from up there was amazing. I only realize how much I miss it when I go away and I don't see it, and I swear it's one of the first things any Capetonian looks out for when they are coming back home!! It honestly symbolizes just that HOME!!

In Love & Lipgloss 

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