
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Batiste Dry Shampoo

This past couple of weeks I've been suffering from migraine's really badly, this is something new to me cause I've never experienced it before. At first I thought It was just because I was tying my hair up after days of wearing it down. It got so bad at one stage that it was difficult for me to even wash my hair. Before if I wanted to stretch my blow dry just one more day I would dab a little baby powder on (no I am no assumed to say it) but for me it just made it look dull and it would get oily really quickly after that. I was hearing such good things about batiste that I thought I'd give them a go now that I really really needed something that would allow me a extra day between washes. 

Allot of people have the wrong idea of dry shampoos and think it's actually that a shampoo and that it will clean your hair with out water and that you will not need to wash your hair for another couple of days. When in actual fact dry shampoos have the same concept as baby powder really, if you spray it on your hands and rub it together if feels and looks exactly the same. It's not meant to "clean" your hair but more dry the appearance of oil and add some fresh scent to your hair and depending on which you buy add some volume. 

Batiste dry shampoo comes in a spray can, with a gorgeous pink floral design something which drew me to it as well (anything pretty and pink and I'm ready to buy it) As instructed you need to apply it about 30cm from the hair and massage in with your finger tips. You need to be really careful with the amount you apply because it can make your hair look dull and chalky almost grey. It isn't heavy on your hair and if applied correctly you don't even feel it so no one will even know you have used it. I love the floral scent of this one wasn't as overpowering as the rest. It does soak the oil up really quickly and your hair is left looking clean. 

I picked this bottle up at Clicks for R59.95 for a 200ml bottle. Would I purchase it again YES i have been using it so much that it feels like part of my routine now 

In Love & Lipgloss

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