
Friday, November 22, 2013

Five Friday Favourites

  • Lush Limited Edition Snow Fairy Body Wash - I get it I really really get it and YES I have become obsessed with lush as well they are AMAZING (you can read about my first lush experience here)
  • Maybelline Babylips Neon Minty Sheer - I received this one from America for my birthday and I have been loving it cant wait to get more of the neon range
  • Dove Colour Radiance Leave in Conditioner Spray - I love the leave in spray it has the most amazing smell and leaves your hair so soft.
  • Blend Box Soft hand cream - Ive been using it for the past week and it really is amazing its become my night cream and I use it EVERY night 
  • Batiste Dry Shampoo - Ive been suffering from migraines this past few weeks and this baby has come in handy!!
All these products are new to me and I've been trying them all out for the first time this week and Ill do reviews on all of them in the next week or so! 

In Love & Lipgloss 

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