
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cape Town Blogger Meetup

This past weekend Cape Town seen the first ever blogger meetup happen. I was so excited when I found out that it would be happening and when I paid for my ticket I immediately started counting down the days (bare in mind we found out about this two months ago so it felt like a 100 years before it got here) This was my first ever meet up because my blog is still some what of a newbie and I was so nervous to meet everyone (here is a list of all the lovely ladies that attended), but I met the most amazing bunch of ladies and am so thankful to have so many new friends. I cannot wait for the next one to happen!!

The meet was held at the most amazing little cafe called Shelleys Gourmet Cafe on Kloof street in Gardens. I don't even know how to describe this place so ill add as much pics as possible. All i can say is that it is the most amazing place to have tea and the food is amazing!! And I half expected the mad hatter and the white rabbit to jump out shouting "we are all a little mad here" and "ts always tea time" hahaha the place just seems so unreal and whimsical the perfect balance of nutty and chic! A real life wonderland!!

Lauren did the most amazing job planning and organizing everything and I don't think anyone else could have done a better job. She got the most amazing sponsors on board. The goody bags out did every expectation I had and we could barely carry what we were given with out a little help!

Guest speakers:

Ladies getting Rain Africa Massages: 

Displays and Treats:


I wont two of the Optiphi competitions:

Patiently counting down till the next one!!

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