
Monday, January 6, 2014

I am Back!

Happy New Year everyone, I hope that everyone has had a safe return from their travels and new years parties. The Christmas tree and decorations are down, the excuse to pig out on delicious food is gone and we are all back at work (most of us anyway). Which can only mean one thing, YES the holidays are over :-(

2013 is nothing but a memory now and one I will cherish forever because it was the year I got MARRIED. It was a year of new beginnings for me, not only being married but I also started my blog over (YAY ME) I lost a couple of friends along the way but I have also met so many new people that I cannot wait to see what 2014 holds in store for me! I took a break from posting over the Christmas period to recoup, but also because my Internet connection at home is none existent (I didn't quite think it through when I cancelled it eek!!) But I promise all will be back to normal.

Hope everyone has a fab week, stay happy and keep smiling!


  1. OMG, your wedding dress!!!! Its gorgeous!!!

    Welcome back and happy happy new year and all that jazz :D

    1. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you to! Thank you so much I designed it myself (dusts off shoulders) :-P

      Hav a fab day


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