
Friday, March 14, 2014

Feel Good Friday - Come Dine With Us - Night 2

Night two of our Come Dine With Us was a Mexican Fiesta, and although I do not own anything even remotely Mexican looking I went with my maxi dress that was my version of Mexican hahaha I also have hair that is impossible to curl so my curls turned into "sex curls" (you know they are way better looking than beach curls) Also I could not find hoop earrings (partly cause I was to lazy to look) so I went with the next best thing hanging hoops with spikes on them this is way better and more me anyway!

The table was so colorfully decorated and we each got hand made crackers filled with sweets with our names on. The menu was Starter: Guacamole y el duo popper Main: Enchiladas Dessert: Tarta de Queso. I didn't get to stay all the way till the end for desert but I can assure you the cocktails and milk tart shots more than made up for it. I'm sticking to my new years resolution to drink more hahaha One thing I am really loving about this whole experience is getting to see what other people make for supper and learning to spice things up a bit because making the same thing over and over gets so tiring.

Here are some pics of our night:

But I am NEXT oh SNAP woman's skills are gonna be put to the test I tell you!

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