
Monday, October 6, 2014

Ren Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial - Review

I don't think I have ever been as intrigued by a product launch as I was by Ren's Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial. I mean a facial that only takes one minute I was like where the hell do I sign up (I am just to lazy for the whole facial process so it never happens) The lovely ladies over at Ren where generous enough to send me two deluxe samples which I've been using for the last couple of weeks.

What is it:
Flash rinse 1 minute facial is formulated with potent water activated Vitamin C that helps neutralise dull grey looking skin.  It helps rejuvenate the skin leaving it looking firmer, more toned and smooth while reducing signs of ageing, fatigue and skin imperfections.

The Vitamin C helps add brightness to the skin while boosting collagen and evens out the skin tone. It helps reduce sun damage while firming and toning the skin. The Boswellic acid and Magnesium helps boost radiance as well as relax muscles and reduce appearance of fine lines wrinkles.

It is a slightly gritty pale green gel like paste which you massage in before adding water. I like this because it acts some what as a mild exfoliator before you add water and massage in.  The water then activates the gel to deliver a intense shot of Vitamin C. You lather it in to a some what cream past and leave it for 1 minute to settle then rinse off. It has a really strong fruity scent and taste may I add (Yes I got some in my mouth) I did find that if I had any open pimples or scratches on my face it burnt quite strongly but once massaged went away really quickly.

I absolutely love this facial, honestly has become my holy grail product. It delivers on every promise, I have tried using it for longer than one minute but did not make much of a difference for me. A 75ml tube retails for R470,00 and can be found at Woolworths or Foschini.

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