
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

MAC X Beyoncé Collaboration - FAKE!!!

It seems that once again it is proven that the powers of social media are insanely large and even something that is supposed to be art can turn into one of the hardest lessons learnt! This time the tables were turned on UK based graphics designer Toby Page and it seems that maybe he had just a little to much time on his hands. Sometime in December (this is when I heard about the collection and story) a image was released depicting a concept of a MAC collaboration with Beyoncé dubbed the MAC X Beyoncé collection which seen six new lipsticks which the Internet was calling the pink bullets because of the new pink instead of silver packaging.

The image which instantaneously went viral, seen Toby receiving quite allot of hate mail and bashing on various social media platforms. He quickly tried to back track his steps and posted an apology on his Instagram page @itstobypage to his 11 thousand followers but it seems the damaged had already been done and the dreams of devoted Beyoncé fans were crushed!

I am by far the biggest Beyoncé fan, in fact I don't even like her but I hope this is a lesson learned and that others don't take the power of social media so lightly in the future. Also you cannot mess with devoted makeup lovers minds like that! On the other hand concepts like this is how projects come to be so who knows what the future might hold. I am totally loving the pink bullet idea so let's hold thumbs that MAC takes notes! 

It seems that since then both the original imagine and the apology has been removed, I could not find it again for an updated reference. These images were sourced from a Google image search.


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