
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chanel Sublimage La Creme Texture Fine - Review

About a year or two ago I discovered Chanel's SUBLIMAGE ultimate anti-aging skincare range and my skin has never been the same. When I was younger (I am closer to 30 than I am to 20 so yes I am allowed to say that) I always thought that because I had good skin I didn't need to look after it but the truth is the earlier you start the better your skin will look when your older (AND I REFUSE TO GET OLD). Allot of people think a easy fix for skin problems is to just cover it up with makeup but think about it if you don't have a good foundation no matter how much product your going to throw on it your problem will still be there.

About the Sublimage Range
The active ingredient in the Sublimage range is Enriched Planifolia PFA, which is the fusion of the fruit and flower of the Madagascar Vanilla plant which has the power to regenerate. This powerful ingredient in the Sublimage range targets all of the skin's vital factors to reveal its natural beauty. The combination of the Vanilla Planifolia helps intensively and deeply revitalize and fight all signs of aging and targets radiance and luminosity, eye contour wrinkles, evenness of complexion, adds moisture as well as target even tone and firmness.

My major concern when I hit my 20's was that I started getting break outs, dark spots, pigmentation scaring left behind as a result of those break outs and uneven skin tone. I know my main cause is that I have combination oily skin but I also know its because I press my breakouts, Yes I know I shouldn't but I just cant help myself so moving on. I've tried so many brands to help target the uneven skin tone and pigmentation but none seemed to help until I decided to finally give all the Sublimage samples I had that was stacking up a try. With in the first week of using it I notice a very visible improvement, my pigmentation was fading and my skin started becoming one even tone. Although they say it doesn't help with breakouts I have notice that I now have less breakouts and my overall appearance of my skin is just clearer. My skin has a radiant glow to it that just makes it look younger. I honestly cant say much about it helping firm and improve wrinkles because I just don't have problems with it yet but I could believe that it is helping keep that at bay. The Le Creme is quite a rich moisturizer and is quite thick so I have found using it as a night cream works much better for me because it does leave my skin feeling a bit oily so it just doesn't work under my makeup.  However at the end of the day once I have removed all my makeup and cleansed my skin it is quite luxurious to lather all the luxurious creamy moisturizer all over and give my skin some much needed love.

The Sublimage range has been dubbed the Royals Royce of skin care and I can really understand why, it is amazing in every way even the sweet vanilla scent it has has won me over. The Le Creme Texture Fine is very much on the pricey side retailing for R4500,00 for a 50ml tub and I get that the range is quite expensive and it might not be for everyone. I would really love to add the Le Fluid to my skin care range next, a girl can dream though right? Also I believe the La Lotion will be coming out soon in South Africa and I cannot wait to try that out!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic review! Always good to read these posts to decide whether it is worth saving up for. Good skin is an investment and I personally am one of those people that will spend extra to get great results. Thanks for sharing XXX


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