
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mr Price Home Launching Online Store!!

I absolutely love Mr Price Home they have such an amazing variety of stuff at such affordable prices!! You can have a different look for every room every week of the year haha The only complaint I ever have is that the stuff you see online you can NEVER find in store! They either don't know what you are talking about, can't find it in the store so they assume it's sold out or they just did not "receive" it at that store (all true stories of actually comments made by sales assistants) Sssooo when I heard last week that Mr Price home is launching their online store on the 21st of November I did my little dance of joy from my desk chair (and got weirdo looks from the people at work hahaha)

So I am counting down the days along with hundreds of twitter users hahaha

In Love & Lipgloss 

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