
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wishing Wednesday

I made the terrible huge massive mistake of being summoned convinced lead into the Stila stand in Woolworths a few days ago, and I did something I know I should NEVER do I SAT DOWN!!! I felt like Eve in front of the tree of knowledge and this well dressed over makeuped lady which I can only describe as a serpent held all these apples in front of me that were all in the form of perfectly packaged shiny new makeup products. Lucky for me I went in prepared and left my bank card in the car only carrying the exact amount of cash that I needed to get my Smashbox blush, so I did not condemn my bank account to a month long ZERO balance haha. But now I am left with this lust list that is all the way down to my knees....

In Love & Lipgloss 

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