
Monday, December 23, 2013

Blendbox Soft Hand Cream & Cuticle Balm

I'm guessing while I am at work slaving away today (and by slaving away I mean catching up on all my blog reading haha) most people must still be sleeping because there are literally crickets chirping on my twitter and Instagram feed (lucky bastards yep I'm hating deal with it) anyway I decided to do a long over due review.

I have come to the realization that I have a slight ok who am I kidding I have a major obsession with my hands. They say the first signs of a woman aging can always be seen in her hands so every time I hear someone raving about good hand products I obsess and immediately need to try them out! One company that I've been hearing allot about on twitter lately is Blendbox they do all natural skin products and have been getting really good reviews so naturally I badly wanted to give them a go as well.

I decided to go with their soft range and I picked up a hand cream and cuticle balm. I have to say I love how much attention is put into Blendbox products the packaging and labels are so gorgeous and the packaging its shipped in is just as adorable. With this hand cream the first thing I was hit with was the scent, at first it reminded me of white chocolate but the more you sniff the more sweets you start smelling marshmallows, chocolate, cupcakes it just changes so much. Ill admit the one thing I didn't like about this cream is the oily residue it leaves behind and because I wear allot of accessories it didn't work out so well so I decided to start using it at night and its now part of my night time routine. It really is a moisturizing hand cream and leaves your hands really soft and the sweet scent is really calming so its perfect for after you shower to lock all that moisture in. I also found that it works really well with the dry skin I have in the pit of my arm and was my savior when I applied it to my sunburn on my shoulders and chest it instantly soothed it and took the sting away. So the fact that it can be used for more than just a hand cream I absolutely love.

The cuticle balm comes in a little tub and I carry it around with me almost every where, it reminded me of bees wax when I first opened it and it has a really strong lemony scent which I absolutely love. Its hard in then tub but immediately melts once it comes into contact with your skin and is really easy to blend. It leaves your cuticles looking a bit oily but makes it look so much healthier and disappears really quickly so its no biggy there.

The cuticle balm was R15,00 and the Hand cream was R55,00 for a 50ml but the sweet Miemie sent me a 100ml. I am dying to try some more of the other ranges, the cupcake one has me lusting over it and I really wanna try the soft range candle. Head over and have a look at their amazing products here, you can also follow them on twitter @blendboxsa

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