
Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter

Ok so I have to admit, this is not only my first body shop camomile product it is also my first body shop purchase *eek! I was looking for a makeup remover that really works on waterproof makeup, I have an issue with sensitive eyes and they water allot so waterproof eyeliner and mascara is the only thing that stays put. So you can understand why I was on the hunt for something that was mild and wouldn't irritate the skin or be harsh if it got in my eyes.

The camomile butter states it is a sumptuous cleansing butter and I am assuming it can be used all over your face but I have taken to using it purely as a makeup remover around my eyes. In the tin it some what looks waxy and vaseline like but once it comes into contact with heat it instantly melts in to a oil past. When you open the really cute metal tin it comes in the very first thing your hit with is the very mild and pleasant camomile sent, I love how this butter smells and that its not over powering. It does leave the skin with a layer of oil some what butter like but that can be wiped away with a wet cloth or I just use my normal face wash afterwards just to remove everything and it comes off really easy. I have to say I am absolutely loving this butter, it instantly melts away any makeup no matter how thick and it leaves the skin feeling really soft, smooth and clean. It hasn't dried or irritate my skin at all, it actually feels more hydrated and soft afterwards. And the bonus is you only need to apply a small amount for it to work so this tin should last me some time.

The lady in the store told me that it would not work on waterproof makeup but I took it any way because I had this feeling that she didnt quite know what she was talking about, and I am glad I did because it melts everything away. This is something I really will be repurchasing in the future. 

I picked this up from the body shop for R140.00

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